We look to buy companies selling at discount to intrinsic value. We aim to minimize the risk of permanent capital impairment by seeking a large margin of safety and asymmetric risk/reward opportunities, or as Mohnish Pabrai describes “Heads I win, Tails I don’t lose a lot”. We tend to focus on underfollowed areas of the market, where larger discrepancies between price and value may arise. We look to gain an informational edge through critical thinking, deep research, and scuttlebutt. We focus on companies where we can have a solid understanding of the underlying business model but are constantly looking to expand our circle of competence.
Fund Profile
Invest with Us
Rational Capital is structured as a private investment partnership under the laws of the province of Ontario. As a long term-oriented Fund we maintain two terms of investment in order to maintain the performance of the Fund:
Minimum Investment of $5,000
Two year “lock-in” term until redemption
For full details on the terms of investment and other information please contact fund management at rational.capital@studentorg.utoronto.ca. Students are welcome and encouraged to invest in the fund at a lower minimum investment level, however, the term will remain the same. Please contact fund management for further details.
The Fund
Rational Capital Investment Fund (RCIF) manages a portfolio of private capital on behalf of investors. The fund gives members who are interested in contributing to investment decisions an opportunity to experience portfolio management. RCIF is structured as a private investment partnership under the laws of the province of Ontario.
Today, the fund is managed by our Fund Analysts under the leadership of our President and Vice President. The fund strives to provide students who have a passion for investing with practical experience in security analysis and portfolio management.